What does it mean to live intentionally?

Living intentionally, what does that mean & why do you choose that as your mission?  This is the question I get asked often. Well, if I am being honest, it is the sum of how I changed my life for the better and am not on a journey to living my best life.  Did it happen overnight?  NOPE!  Did I take big, life-changing steps?  No, not really!  Was it hard to make life-altering changes?  YES, anything worth having is going to take some work.  The most important question: Was it worth it?  HELL YES!!!

So, what is living intentionally, and how can you embrace it?  Here are some simple suggestions.  Before I share, remember baby steps, and build on your progress.  You are going for progress, not perfection.  Choose one, or maybe two, to work on at a time.

  1. Create a mindful morning routine- how you start your day matters.
  2. Mindful use of technology- turn off notifications or set times for scrolling.
  3. Cultivate gratitude- start a gratitude journal.
  4. Build meaningful relationships – who you spend your time with matters.
  5. Mindful eating – nourishing your body with whole foods & hydration.
  6. Set goals and track them – you will never know if you have achieved a goal if you don’t know where you started. 
  7. Mindful movement- make movement a part of every day.
  8. Set boundaries – do this with yourself and others.

Intentional living creates a life of purpose authentically built around your priorities.  If I can encourage you to do one thing this year, it would be to be intentional about how you live.  I recently wrote a chapter in a collaboration book that details many of the things I did to take my health back intentionally.  The chapter was called “If My Body Quits, Where Am I Going to Live.”  If you would like to purchase a copy of that book, I would be pleased to sign a copy and send it to you. 

My prayer for you is that 2024 be your healthiest and most intentional year!

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